

Advanced sustainable livelihood for disadvantaged youth/Women and their communities.

Our Goal

Our Goal

To respond to vision of young people, women and men whose human rights should be respected and fulfilled while at the same time containing an integrated holistic emergency humanitarian and development interventions approaches

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Advancement of holistic social and economic transformation of the youth/women and their communities.

More Water is needed

More Water is needed

Water being one of the major components of good health, there is need to improve the use of clean water and sanitation in the returned communities who are grossly affected by lack of clean and safe water as well as

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Specific Objectives

Providing clean drinking water and sanitation training, hygiene development by drilling boreholes and provision of sanitary facilities, constructing toilets and bath shelters.

Providing educational support through Child sponsorship, Vocational life skills training, Building class rooms and centers for skills training and school twinning programs, distributing scholastic materials to the vulnerable young people.

Promoting Agriculture and Environmental protection by providing tools for farming, seeds and seedlings for planting, food security training and farming practices, food distribution to elderly persons.

Tommy Awio Program Director

Repairing a broken borehole

This borehole serves about 300 -400 people in this communities, there is need for more water points in the district and in such kind of this community, the needs are many but because of the many areas the government cannot do it all in the communities.

People Of Uganda
Recent Water Works
Recent Work Water